Thank you for your interest in this research survey! 

We are a team of queer and trans medical students from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. We are asking for your consent to take part in this study. This page describes the key information that we believe most people need to decide whether to consent to taking part in this research.

The goal of this study is to understand unique experiences that affect the well being and success of LGBTQIA+ medical students across United States medical schools during their didactic years (preclinical years spent in the classroom). Our findings will provide valuable information that can help direct LGBTQIA+ programming and inclusion initiatives at medical schools across the country.

To participate, you must:

  • Identify as LGBTQIA+
  • Be enrolled in a US medical school (MD or DO)
  • Have completed at least 3 months of medical school
  • Be willing and able to complete a 10-minute survey

This survey will ask about your experiences with various aspects of medical school campus climate, curriculum, and interactions with classmates and faculty. Please be aware that some of the questions asked may pertain to experiences that are emotionally sensitive or triggering. Participation is voluntary and you may exit the survey at any time. This survey contains multiple choice and Likert-scale questions with a few opportunities to expand if needed.


Your participation in this research will be held strictly confidential to the extent possible. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, and therefore there is a mild risk of breach of confidentiality. We will be collecting basic demographic information, but your name will not be associated with your responses. Your responses may be shared with individuals and organizations that conduct or oversee this research, including:

  • Research personnel at both the Philadelphia College of Medicine and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
  • The Institutional Review Board (IRB) that reviewed this research
  • Temple University
  • Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Temple University Health System and its affiliates

We may publish the results of this research. However, we will keep any identifying information confidential. We may de-identify this data and share it with other researchers for research that is currently unknown. All data will be destroyed 3 years after completion of the study per institutional policies. 


If you have questions, concerns, or feedback regarding the survey, please contact us at or (215) 707-3559. 

This research is being overseen by an Institutional Review Board ("IRB"). An IRB is a group of people who perform independent review of research studies. You may talk to them at (215) 707-3390 or if you have questions, concerns, or complaints that are not being answered by the research team, or if you have questions about your rights as a research subject.

Temple Protocol No.: 31513

PCOM Protocol No.: H24-033X

Principal Investigators: LeeAnn Tanaka, DO and Robert Bettiker, MD

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